T his week I discovered a product called HeatnBond Lite for my applique work. It has made my life so much easier. It is a paper backed lightweight adhesive designed for the bonding of lightweight fabrics. In the past I would draw my design directly to the wrong side of my applique fabric, cut it out, pin it to my main fabric and sew it on. Sometimes the applique would shift causing me some aggravation. With HeatnBond I draw my design freehand directly onto the paper using a pencil so I can erase if I need to. Once I have my drawing complete, I roughly cut it out from the paper and iron it on to the wrong side of my applique fabric. Next I precisely cut out my applique, peel off the paper, place my applique right side up onto my main fabric and iron it on! Now my applique is securely in place so I can easily sew the edges with a decorate stitch. I found a website with a good tutorial to follow. This week I made some new handbags using this technique. Above I posted a semi-circle des...