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Showing posts from April, 2008

Vegetable Ivory Finds

W hile perusing the many drawers filled with buttons at Archangel Antiques  a few weeks ago, I came across some lovely vintage specimens that I was told to be made from   vegetable ivory .  According to Wikipedia it is also known as corozo, a name used for the tagua nut found in the South American rain forest. I was very happy to read that both humanitarians and environmentalists appreciate its use.  I bought a few buttons that day, all of which I have already used to adorn several new handbags I made. Posted above is a lovely example you can find in my shop .

Another New Creation

T his semi circle design is made from linen in a dark blue color with an raw silk applique.  I love the way the leafed branch wraps around the front of the handbag. 

A Bird with Blue Skies

H ere's a   new creation that I posted on my shop at today! I really like this hipster style. Its smaller than my messenger bags but big enough to carry all the essentials. The main body of this bag is made from cotton canvas in a dusty blue color. The applique is made from ultra suede and was drawn free hand, hand cut and sewn onto the bag. I love the color combination. Don't you agree!

Seahorses and Sea Glass

 Earrings from Sea Glass Designs Handbag by Pesky Cat Designs T he handbag above sold to a lovely customer living in Quebec, Canada. T he sea is a big inspiration for my work. See my post below with the beautiful photos of Fire Island, NY. My parents loved the sea and would often take my brother and I to Jones Beach Island off the southern coast of Long Island, NY. I would spend the day collecting seashells, building sand castles and day dreaming.  Later on as an adult I would continue to take trips to the sea with my parents. My father would go fishing while my mother and I would sit by the seashore painting the landscape with our watercolors.  A while back I did a search on to find items with an ocean theme. I came across a shop called Sea Glass Designs . They make jewelry and art from natural sea glass , pottery and china shards gathered from Novia Scotia beaches. Absolutely beautiful work! You must check it out.  I bought a fantastic pair of  earrings made from white se...