Last week I got a surprise email from a very sweet customer letting me know that one of my creations made it to the White House! She and her daughter pictured above, participated in the 2009 Easter Egg Roll, a White House tradition since 1878. Yes, that's a Pesky Cat Designs creation that she is carrying across her shoulder! The Easter Egg Roll is an annual family event to hunt for and race Easter Eggs on the White House Lawn while enjoying storytelling and a visit from the Easter Bunny. It was the largest public event held in the White House since President Obama greeted guests in the Blue Room after his inauguration. See the White House Easter Egg Roll videos here.
I am so happy for you really really really , greatttttttt !!!!
Hi from lovely Paris :)))
for your complimentary watercolor!
I think it was so sweet of her to send me the photo. Glad everyone is enjoying it!