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Tea and Keyboards

Every morning I make myself a cup of tea that I drink while I check my email and other things related to my Etsy shop. Well this morning I did not finish my tea since most of it ended up on my keyboard. I was quite horrified at first. I quickly unplugged the keyboard and turned it upside down to try and drain as much of the liquid as possible. After throughly drying it I was still not able to save it. I was glad that I did not damage anything else. Soon after this fiasco I headed to Tekserve, Apple specialists, and purchased a new keyboard for $30 dollars. My old keyboard was about 7 years old so I was due a new one anyway. So now I'm back home typing away on my clean crumb-free new keyboard. I probably should invest in one of those clear plastic keyboard covers though!


HareAndDrum said…
Ouch! I constantly spill something while eating and trying to help my 3 year old with dinner at the same time, but keyboards are safe so far. I guess congrats on the new one, though! :)
PretaPawte said…
funny. The same thing happened to me about a month ago but with chocolate milk and ended up with some very sticky keys.

Thanks for your vote
Leslie said…
Ugh, tea & keyboards don't mix well. Sorry girl. Good you upgraded your keyboard though, the keystroke feel on the new apple ones are awesome! I hope to be upgrading soon too, hrm, maybe I'll go brew some ginger tea...?
StaroftheEast said…
Ohh bummer, luckely it was an old keyboard!
I did something like that too, but mine was a glass of sprite on my laptop :S Luckely the flued did no harm as I did the same like you did. But it never writes the same anymore a bit sticky because of the sugar :)
Anya said…
Thanks for your visit :)
Lovely blogsite you have !!!!
Unknown said…
I did a simialr thing with my morning coffee about 3 months ago, Elisa! I tried to dry out the keyboard to no avail and had to get a new one too! Such a drag because it happens when you don't expect it to and upsets the applecart!
Enjoy your new keyboard!

Thank you for vosotong my blog. It's nice to see your name in the comments!
Loddelina said…
If it's any consolation to you, a separate iMac keyboard costs 50 euros over here...
But I still like to eat my breakfast while surfing, it is just sooooo comfy!
Lucky it was an older keyboard.
Sandrine said…
OOps!It is an accident waiting to happen here too...Hope you enjoy your new one ;)

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