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Sunday Morning in the Studio

A while back I won a fantastic giveaway at LiPeony's blog and I was able to choose three prints from her lovely Etsy shop LiPeony. The one posted above called "Little Sewing Girl" is my favorite along with "Flipping Pancakes" and "A Marshmallow Incident." Her shop is filled with whimsical imaginative illustrations. They are quirky, fun and just delightful.  You must check them out!

My "Little Sewing Girl" print is displayed in my studio and inspires me to work. This morning I took some shots of the studio before I began sewing. It does get messier as the day progresses. But I will admit I do like things organized and clean so throughout the workday I am picking up bits of thread from the floor and putting things away that I am finished with so it does not get too unmanageable.  

At the moment I am working on two equestrian satchels in Harris Tweed wool.  I took some time off from my studio this past week so I am trying to catch up with my sewing this weekend.  Whatever you choose to do this weekend I hope it will be very enjoyable!


Thea said…
You're good, cleaning as you go! I try to do the same when I'm screen-printing and get annoyed with assistants that don't. Congrats on the winning the giveaway - that print sure is cute. x
Natanya Elka said…
That's such a cute print ~ congrats!

I'm the same way in my studio... a bit OCD, but it's the best way to be productive, right?

Yay, for horsey satchels... I'm excited to see them :)

Enjoy the rest of the weekend, my friend!

DiaDesigns said…
Yes very good to be neat and tidy as you go. I try to do the same, it just makes the work more pleasant and then you don't have a huge mess later.
The illustration is sweet that you won, I will have to visit the links you provided.
How do you do a giveaway like that? I'm only on blogger, no twitter or facebook. Do you think it would still be possible to do a giveaway...maybe that would give my site more exposure as well?
Hope you have a great weekend and congrats on your win!!
I see that a lot of my creative blogger friends are like me when it comes to a tidy studio! If it gets too cluttered I can not think.

Dia- I'll come over to your blog and leave you a comment about giveaways.

Horsey bags are completed and will be added to the shop today!
Sandrine said…
What a cute little prize Elisa, such a perfect illustration :)
Oh I admire your discipline!I too love a neat and tidy studio...sometimes a little hard to maintain thought!
You made me laugh with your comment about lengthy projects, promise I won't ask anymore LOL
Have a great week

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