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A New Textile in the Studio

I added lots of new items to the Pesky Cat Designs shop this week. The purse shown above is created with a chenille fabric, a new textile that I recently added to the studio. It has a velvet feel and looks quite luxurious. I was really pleased with how the chenille in robin egg blue compliments the chocolate brown applique. Next week I plan to add more purses with seahorses, equestrian inspirations and more. Stay tuned!


StaroftheEast said…
Fantastic new bag :)!
Loddelina said…
It looks lovely - already thinking about spring?

I took my Peskycat out for a spin this morning... I love it!
Love, love, love that color blue! Great combo! Your shop has been on fire lately. Congrats on all of the sales.
Beautiful! Love the color and fabric choice!s
Kitty Stampede said…
Gorgeous! I can`t wait to see the new designs..I will have to get one of these beauts when I have more coinage..hehe. I love them.
Anya said…
I love the color
so friendly bleu :-)
Hugs from
Kareltje =^.^=
abigail said…
adorable bag! I love the color.
Leslie said…
Just when I think your purses can't get any yummier - you make yet another amazing bag in beautiful colors with a dreamy texture. Great job!
What a gorgeous color. It's so lovely!
This color for me is very special :)
And you find same color :)
Because this color is romantic, this color is clear , friendly and just like a new baby !
Again and again dear friend bravo !

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