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Feathers, Fringe and More

Last week was spent experimenting on new designs and techniques. Had fun creating a fringe and feather clutch. This one will be a gift for a friend.

Added a few large wristlets to the shop with bird and oak leaf appliques.

Also added a medium sized two-toned faux suede shoulder bag with a handmade bird applique.

And here's what my studio looks like this morning. There's a couple of hand-woven ikat and recycled leather clutches to be photographed and added to the shop. More corduroy purses in progress in khaki and olive green and a beautiful butterfly print canvas waiting to be transformed into a tote bag.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend ahead. Enjoy!


You always have a fresh approach to your work, and I love that! Beautiful bags!
Annuk said…
These purses, wristlets and bags are a joy to behold!!! Your friend is a lucky gal, that fringed clutch is a dream!!!
Have a wonderful weekend, Elisa!
And thank you for all your sweet comments!:)
Zoe sends her love too!!!
Kisses to sweet little Anni!!!
Anna & Zoe
Yael said…
All ever so pretty!!!
And tell me something Elisa: is your studio always so tidy??? Amazing! You should see mine right now!
Happy Sunday!!! :-)
Yael- I always take my studio photos in the morning before I begin working. And I always tidy up my studio the night before. If you saw a photo mid-day it would not look so tidy. Often there is so much stuff on the table that I do not have room to lay out fabric to cut. And that is a very long table. ;)
Esme said…
I like those fringes and the colours-Happy Mother's Day.
Yael said…
:-) Hugs to you!
Loddelina said…
Wow, I've been away from blogger for a while and have missed a whole bunch of beautiful bags!

Have a great new week, Elisa!

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