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Feathered Friends

Very early this morning my Wayfarer Purse with a Bird made it to Etsy's front page! Thank you Hal of Diaspora for creating such a cool treasury and Etsy for selecting it for the front page. Check out Diaspora for beautiful modern art to light up your living space and also check her profile for links to jewelry made with her art. 
When I first saw this treasury, titled Feathered Friends,  I thought it was front page material. Hal selected some really eclectic, fun and beautiful items. I'm thinking Bjork might be interested in Zoe Chen's swan dress above. What do you think?! I love it. It's elegant and quirky at the same time. I personally liked Bjork's swan dress as well. By now you can probably tell that I am partial to aviary-inspired work. :)


Loddelina said…
Well done! Such a nice sellection - I like that bird nest ring as well...
Kjersten said…
Love that treasury. I want that dress!

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